Friday, April 06, 2007

Hair Fair 2007!

All hair this week is being sold exclusively at the Hair Fair 2007! If you don't want to brave the crowds the hair will be available on April 14th in my main store.

Olivia: A Medium length style with some flexi, curly over the shoulder... a very unique look
Sweet Kisses: This one was based on my older Sweet Glow hairstyle, but its been given a complete overhaul with a whole new look, new braids, new bangs, and flexi ends! Ultra cute!
Nicole: Ahhh curls! This tangled mass of curls is held back away from the face with a few barrettes, falling to just above the shoulders. A few flexi strands to give it movement.
Sasha: A fall of flexi hair down to the lower back, knotted and held back from the face, spiked carefully for a cute look :)
Pheobe: Short and cute, with the tips styled away from the face to create a flattering look. No flexi in this one.

All my hairs are now sold in color packs for 200L a piece at my store(Goldie Locks) in the Nantli Xolal sim! All hairs are as Mod/Copy/No Trans. Mega Color Packs are available! For the latest updates join my group (Goldie Locks VIP) in world and check out my blog at

General updates: Big Changes in the stores these past few weeks! The courtyard got a little smaller, Simplicity and Daeskins got a little bigger, and we have a new mens clothing store moving in!! The Lucky Chair got updated, a new Lucky Chair was added, and 5 hairstyles (Layered Bun, Mia, Lizzy, Mary Jane, Mary Sue) were shifted to clearance.

To Look for: NEW TEXTURE PACKS! I have developed 15 new textures of browns, reds, and blonds, and will be working on tipped/frosted/burnt hairs over the weekend. IF you want a particular color let me know in an IM (soon), and I will see if I can make it! I will be sending out a 'test' sample to all Goldie Locks group members later around Monday or so to get some feedback.