Saturday, August 02, 2008

After a long wait... more hair!

Yep, its been a while since my last release, taking a bit of a breather and also working on Hair Fair hairs... managed to get out a new release though!!

Four hairs at Goldie Locks on the Nantli Xolal sim!
Mikayla - Superlong ponytail, slightly curled
Trinity - A pretty wavy long style held back in a cascade
Lydia - Short and chic style :)
Hayden - Spikey wave cascading from a bun

1) Sammi, Divine, Erika, and Francesca all moved to clearance
2)Gabrielle moved to the 10L wall rack
3) Lucky chairs have been updated!
4) Camping chairs will be updated Sunday - 2 sets of chairs will be updated, get your hair while you still can!