Well I always figured that I would be copied on what I made for hair... nope, my first issue is a structural build of mine. Remember the Chichen Itza build I made for the Mexico Board of Tourism on the Visit Mexico sim (previous post down below)? It was done to promote the vote for Chichen Itza as a real life new Seven Wonders of the World, a worldwide vote will determine the new list on 7/7/07. Well, my build and all its little details was neatly copied by a oscarpc21 Khalifa on the Mexico sim. Details and pics are below.
The background is that I was contacted by an Ektor Carnell a while back in June asking if I would sell him the pyramid to place in his own sim Mexico. I said no, it belongs to the Mexico Board of Tourism and I have no right to sell it (since I was contracted to do that work). I thought that was the end of it. Well today I log in to find that a chinobi Boa had griefed the Visit Mexico sim and was banned as a result... blocking access to the pyramid and shouting at everyone. So as I was chatting with the project lead a few people tp in really quick and tp out, one after taking a picture. We thought it was weird and we linked them back to the Mexico sim, so we went to check out the Mexico sim... and wow... every little detail on mine is replicated except for the inner temple. I originally thought they had taken the texture as well since its so blurry, but on closer inspection its not the same. Just... kinda shocked, so of course I was a bit upset :) so after snapping a few pics we confront Chinobi (El Presidente of the Mexico sim), much yelling back and forth (I might post the chat logs later, still undecided on that). And in the middle of it he deletes the pyramid, but later on I find out its back up again.
All in all his justification seemed to be that he's just copying the RL pyramid not my SL one, and since I am not mexican for some reason I am not allowed to recreate the build (or speak with him for that matter). *rolls eyes* So ya thats my drama filled evening... yay. To be honest I don't care if they recreate the chichen itza, its not the point, the point is a good majority of the details I put into it got copied as well, and thats just ridiculous.

Fun fun.... gotta love SL....